Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I swear this happened

I pick my son up from school. He's in high school but he doesn't drive yet and the bus is overcrowded in the afternoon. I like doing it because, for those few moments, he has to talk to me. (If he doesn't talk, I will and he would rather listen to himself than me.) During these drives, I've heard tales I would rather not hear and I do get a good idea of how things are going. Usually the first 2 questions I ask are 1) how was your day and 2) how much homework do you have. I'll get back on topic now.

One day last week, I was running early. I'm waiting for a long line of buses to pull into the parking lot. I'm facing the buses so I have a good look at the drivers. I swear this happened. All these buses have middle school students already on them. Then I see a bus driver, with students already on the bus, navigating through school zone traffic, TALKING ON A CELL PHONE. I kid you not.


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